Friday, 30 August 2013

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

So I got the new Lincoln movie (not new as I speak of course, but I recently got it to watch it at home), and before watching it, I decided that I should read his biography first so I'd have a more rich background and understanding of events when I watch the movie.

The book I got as a first result of my search was "The life of Abraham Lincoln by Henry Ketcham" and I know it will take me so long to finish since I don't read it everyday; only when they're gracious enough to leave me the iPad to read :/. The reviews are very positive so far; the writer was coeval with Lincoln and had the privilege of meeting him once as the reviews say; which accounts him as being the most contemporary writer and the most accurate.

From what I read, I really like Lincoln; physically he was a large, tall man which helped him when was young in carrying out a lot of different jobs, but his character and personality are what matter and they really sound so noble and rare to find, especially these days.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

What a Girl Wants ...

For men, to better understand their women; and for boys who are starting a relationship :).

This is a list I found very long ago on the internet; I refined it and added some more nice stuff. These are some of the things a girl would die for ;), and remember if you want your wife (lover) to be an angel; create her a heaven.

  • Talk to her
  • Share secrets
  • Give her your jacket
  • Kiss her hand as a gallant move - and mean it - when you meet her instead of just hi 
  • Kiss her slowly
  • Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
  • When walking next to each other grab her hand.
  • When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible
  • Carry her on your back when walking together 
  • Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
  • Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears
  • Don't ask her what's wrong, just put your arms around her and hug her tight, and let her take it all out in tears and then talk when she is calm
  • Take her for long walks at night 
  • Hug her
  • Hold her
  • Cuddle under a blanket on a chilling night while sitting in the balcony or on the beach 
  • Laugh with her
  • Go out with her, even if for a walk only
  • Let her be with you when you're with your friends
  • Be her best friend
  • Be as caring, patient, embracing and understanding as a father to her 
  • Treat her a child, but trust her mind
  • Smile with her
  • Take pics with her
  • Pull her onto your lap
  • When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back
  • When her friends say I love her more than you, deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. It makes her feel loved
  • Always hug her and say "I love you" when you see her.
  • Kiss her unexpectedly
  • Hug her from behind
  • Tell her she's beautiful... Not sexy!
  • Tell her the way you feel about her!
  • Kiss her on the cheeks and lips 
  • Tell her what feels good
  • Make her feel loved
  • Buy her stuff. Small things can still help 
  • Don't lie to her
  • Don't cheat on her
  • Take her anywhere she wants
  • Spend time with her playing games and doing silly stuff together
  • Text or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her
  • Be there for her whenever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you
  • Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold you too.
  • When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
  • Kiss her on the cheek; 
  • While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.
  • Don't ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If she's upset, comfort her 
  • When people disrespect or piss her off, stand up for her
  • Workout together
  • Look deep into her eyes and tell her that you love her
  • Always remind her how much you love her

Saturday, 17 August 2013

How To Control Your Mind At Will? Highlights and Exercises.

One of the books (3 books to be exact) that I'm simultaneously reading nowadays is "How to control your mind at will". It's a kind of psychologically-based book that describes in a simple way how the brain functions from the "energy" point of view and states that there is the conscious and unconscious states of the mind and the linkage between them is the cerebral control, and that's what marks normal people from those suffering from lack of cerebral control, i.e., when the unconscious mind take over, the person has lost their cerebral control over their minds. It also shows how the latter are affected in their lives by this lack of control which are translated into fears, anxiety, phobias, insomnia and can sometimes affect them physically with organic pain attacks - or even chronic ones - that do not have any apparent physical cause.

I don't consider it something to go by blindly; after all, none has scientific prove of it, just theories and all depends on the brains; however, it mentions that people with uncontrolled brains or passive ones, need to have their own religious beliefs in order to get better and one of the factors or losing control over the mind is actually losing those beliefs and faith, which kind of make sense.

Anyway, here's a summary of what I've read in that book that I see a bit valuable. I copy/paste the important parts, but with some minor alterations to avoid those awkward starts or ends.