Lead Yourself Up
They tell you life is easy and beautiful all the time and if you’re happy it will
always go smooth without any troubles or difficulties? LIARS!
As a matter of fact, life has to have hardships and pain
because that’s the only way you’ll truly take pleasure in the good times. You won’t
know how happiness really feels like if all you know is being content; not until
you have gone through something else and compared your life during and after a
However, the trick is not only about convincing yourself that
after a difficulty has passed the good times will follow; the real trick
is actually during the turbulent times when you choose to challenge
yourself that you will get over it; so you start analyzing the
problem, innovating the solutions or ways that will help you overcome
it, acting and implementing those solutions step by step, even if
slowly but consistently and always envisioning yourself celebrating and enjoying
the success of defeating that problem as well as gaining more confidence, more
knowledge and the power to be in control of your life.
It’s always during those hard times that people excel and
reveal their true and best capabilities; just like the stars that twinkle and
sparkle best when it’s the darkest and that’s also when you enjoy the bright
moon, or like gold that has to go through fire to be purified, or the diamonds
that have to go through harsh polishing phases & cut into pieces to be so
beautifully shaped and sparkles with those amazing colors.
Those people who shine at those times are mostly viewed as
lucky people who had everything at their hands to succeed; well, they did, they
had the positive mindset, they had the willingness to act, they
had the desire to create and innovate, they had the passion
to enjoy what they do, they had the control over their inner
switch which they turned on and it activated the leader inside to guide them to
their objectives without the need of someone else leading them or telling them
you can do it because you have the power to. They are seen as happy people
because they are lucky, when actually the adjective that combines the words “happy”
with “lucky” is the “happy-go-lucky” and not vice versa. They might not be
lucky to have rocks thrown at them, but they are surely happy
people to be able to view those rocks as being thrown to them to
help them in building themselves a staircase to move up.

You have the choice
to perceive situations and circumstances as problems or ways of growth and
enhancements, and you have the choice to approach each with a determination to
defeat and learn from or to be defeated by them. And remember, there won’t
be rainbows without the rain, and it’s during the rain that view becomes clearer
and new things start to grow.